Josh and the Holidays
Josh was complaining the other day about his lack of mention in my blog; this one's for you Joshy!

Isn't he precious!! My favorite is the middle and the funny thing is...he just made that face the other day! No, but in all seriousness, I miss the sweaters with the farm-scapes on them. I'm bringing them back! Here's to you Josh!
So the semester is almost over, only this week remains until my finals. All in all, I can't complain too much. I know which teachers I'll never take again, (Rundquist and Pallares) and I've figured out what I will be doing after I graduate (teacher). I just need to figure out where.
I've been reading a handful of blogs in recent days, from the politically motivated to the superficial LA gossip (damn you Perez Hilton, if that's your real name!). One of my favorites, beside Ashley's of course, is It's the blog with the gay tendencies, classic. Visit it, read it, support it.
In other news, we've been decorating for the holidays.
We have our tree up and most of the windows are lined with lights, save the window just above the faux- fireplace. I need an extention cord to power them. To the right here, you'll see our tree. Isn't it lover-ly. This is what lovers do, isn't it Ashley, they decorate? I still haven't decided what to get Josh for Christmas; if you're wondering what to get me, I'll be putting a link up soon to give you a few clues. If you have any ideas about what I should get Josh, let me know that as well. And if you're looking at this picture wondering where our curtains are because we have a "curtain-rod" sans curtains, the answer is, the previous owners took them when they moved and no we haven't decorated that room yet.

Isn't he precious!! My favorite is the middle and the funny thing is...he just made that face the other day! No, but in all seriousness, I miss the sweaters with the farm-scapes on them. I'm bringing them back! Here's to you Josh!
So the semester is almost over, only this week remains until my finals. All in all, I can't complain too much. I know which teachers I'll never take again, (Rundquist and Pallares) and I've figured out what I will be doing after I graduate (teacher). I just need to figure out where.
I've been reading a handful of blogs in recent days, from the politically motivated to the superficial LA gossip (damn you Perez Hilton, if that's your real name!). One of my favorites, beside Ashley's of course, is It's the blog with the gay tendencies, classic. Visit it, read it, support it.
In other news, we've been decorating for the holidays.