30 October 2008

OMG Exxon, OMFG!

I nearly forgot about this. I linked the BBC article because I like to get these kind of stories from a non-US based news agency. I don't really have much to say about this except for, wow!

Should we congratulate them? I know they didn't do anything 'wrong' but seriously?


I'm tempted to call this a self fulfilling prophecy. Here is the story. Palin has a problem with the "gotcha media." But when she has yet to do a press conference and there are only 5 days left until election day, what does one expect from the media beast? Moral: you don't have to pander to the media, just don't piss them off.

Via Politico.


It will be interesting to see how this plays out. How will a white nation in monetary trouble being forgiven be viewed? Here is the story.

This might be my socialist/not quite communist leanings, but what is the use of money if debt is just forgiven at this level, furthermore why do people get so bent out of shape when a group wants to make compassion (healthcare) open for everyone? The Gold Standard was proven to be a farce when currency was made to stand on its own and currency will one day be proven to the the same when we realize that our market isn't a market anymore. What's the use of a 'free' market system when companies are allowed to rise and fall in their own right? If one were to fail, then people would, god forbid, loose their job and be forced to get a new one. Why do we bail out? Because it's human nature to show compassion, although we don't like to admit it, these are socialist ideals and we'll be better people once we finally admit that fact.

Via Andrew Sullivan

This Saturday

Josh and I are going to the Purdue/Michigan game this Saturday. This will be the first time that I'm back at Purdue in roughly 5 years, perhaps more. Of course I'll be rooting for the Boilermakers but I'm really looking forward to showing Josh around. Even though I attended for only a year and I ended up leaving because I didn't like the direction I was heading, the campus is still beautiful. And Josh has gotten to show me around both Mizzou and Texas, so it's time I was able to return the favor.

This will also be a welcome respite from the election coverage, although it's still Indiana so I can't help but feel like something McCain-esque will happen which will infuriate me. We shall see.

It's So Simple.

Talk what you're going to talk about, talk about it, then say what you just talked about. We learn this lesson is fifth grade about persuasive essays. Why to we use this method? Because we must be able to demonstrate that we understand our persuasive topic.

This is exactly what Sen. Obama did this evening. He told the story of average Americans so we can see that he truly understands our situation and when one truly understands a problem, one can fix the problem.

Fundamentally, we cannot define ourselves by what we are not, [*cough* McCain *cough*] but by what we are and what we choose to be. It's time to look to the future, 6 days left.

UPDATE: I just wanted to include the video of Obama's TV spot:

09 October 2008

let he who is without sin cast the first stone

I can just imagine "TERRORIST" being shouted by the right wing mob if this was reversed and "That One's" name was in place of McCain's...

Read the story here, from Politico.com

08 October 2008

That One never said we would attack Pakistan!!

It really annoys me that so many peeps are saying that 'That One' said that we would attack Pakistan. Please watch the first three minutes of this video and listen carefully...

Obama said that they would go after the militants, al-Qaeda, and of course Bin Laden. He said that if Pakistan was "unwilling or unable," that we would "kill bin Laden and crush al-Qaeda." Um, I didn't realize that this was something new. Isn't this what our current President (should be) doing? Isn't this what the American people have been calling for? By golly McCain said he'd "get bin Laden" he said he "know[s] how to do it." Oops, shoot, now they know we're coming!!!

US Deaths in Iraq

According to the AP, as of 7 October, the death count is 4,180 American souls in Iraq. 3,385 souls lost their life as a result of hostile action. "Since the start of U.S. military operations in Iraq, 30,702 U.S. service members have been wounded in hostile action, according to the Defense Department's weekly tally."

Regardless of your political point of view, I feel it's worth asking if this is a worthy operation for America to be paying for with her blood. It has always been my view that democracy is something that is nurtured and home grown. I think it was Madison who said, in one of his Federalist Papers, that America should be the champion only of her freedom, and the beckon of democracy for the rest of the world. Of course he said it better than I ever could. Democracy cannot be installed.

Read the full AP story here